Another cold day in the north! Perfect for staying in and creating!! I just love how my nest assemblage turned out! We are such bird lovers here that it is a special addition to our home! I love to recycle so I started out with a little drawer I found (I know, I know - I just can't pass things like this up!).
Of course being the bird lover that I am, I want to share our birdies with you. These are some of the birds that we raise. My husband raises them for their beauty (he shows them at the fair, and bird shows), he races them as they are racing homers, and he raises them to share a weddings - he releases them to fly, and circle above the newly married couple. It is a beautiful addition to a wedding ceremony.
Above is one of this years babies. Aren't they just the cutest little fellows!! Below is one of our protective daddies, watching over his little ones. They are such attentive parents!